Produktif Flow
Produktif creates value by managing two separate libraries for different customers. The first is a library for designers of standard parts that enable the Click system and modules built from those parts. This includes parts and designs created and updated by Produktif as well as 3rd party designs that are built using Produktif parts.
While all the modules in the design library can be accessed through 3DS Market Place. There is also a Produktif managed and controlled library entry for each part and design. Produktif takes submissions from 3rd parties and validates them for proper use of Click so they can be made with Works. Produktif also generates additional meta data so they can be used in the 3DS environments with the DS/Produktif generative design code for proper design and fabrication. Produktif also creates and validates other file formats for the designs so ensure proper export/import to some of the most popular 3rd party tools.

FLOW is the direct point of communication that simplifies and clarifies each party’s role from design to assembly of a structure. Projects are driven by smart contracts that will be increasingly automated with scale.
The second is a repository of unique identifiers for as-built modules that came from designs from the previous library. Once a design is approved for production, it is saved as a model number in this repository and then serial numbers are associated with each fabricated piece of that model. The models also link back to the design library to reference all pertinent meta data such as EPC/CDR documentation.
This library tracks the association of the designs, models, and unique modules with the place/company where they were fabricated, what project they were made for and installed on, when and who disassembled them, and rework done and what new project they are installed on. This gives the proof of reuse for modifying the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).