‘To eliminate the concept of waste means to design things from the very beginning on the understanding that waste does not exist’ this is a quote by Michael Braungart that ProduktifTM applies in its working.

Produktif is a design and technology company working to accelerate a circular construction industry. The company designs high-precision connectors for building elements and fine-tunes them with partners in the industry of modular construction. Produktif’s first patents are pending, and are products used in the joinery system to secure 4X faster assembly and disassembly and 100% reuse in the construction industry. With Produktif inside, the entire construction value chain is subject to revision.

You may ask, what exactly is a circularity? To you I say;

It’s an economic model that is restorative and regenerative in its design, construction, operation and elimination of waste. In a circular economy, waste is eliminated through better design rather than developing novel ways to use waste that has already been created. Circular construction seeks to maintain products, components and materials at their highest possible value for the longest possible time. This can be achieved through reuse, repair, refurbishment and remanufacturing strategies.

Produktif works to guarantee that the tools and methods used in construction are sustainable.

Produktif’s proof of work was demonstrated in a project led by the Founder and CEO, Rune Kongshaug in 2006, where he sought to upgrade informal settlements through agriculture. The project dubbed the Produktif house concept was based in Vancouver, Canada, saw the construction of the first LEED Platinum-certified construction projects in Canada upon its completion in 2010. The 9-unit mixed-use urban development, recycled water for the irrigation of 4-season edible plants; solar heat was captured and stored for heating during the winter months, and; electrical vehicles were provided to residents in a car-sharing program. The project measured everything Produktif is about and was unveiled at the 2006 UN World Urban Forum.

Produktif relies on upstream, midstream and downstream innovations in its design.

In a circular value economy, upstream innovation is about tracing a problem to its root cause and tackling it there. It involves rethinking products and services at the design stage and can include developing new materials, product designs, or business models. Produktif incorporates upstream innovation by using certified reusable wood products. It also works with industrial manufacturers who collaborate on standards, tolerances, and design for assembly and disassembly (DFAD).

Midstream involves the processing and transportation. Here, Produktif’s industrial manufacturers produce parts that are received by the manufacturing elements such as flat 2D modules like windows, doors, walls, and exterior cladding. These elements are received at a flying /pop-up factory that serves two functions; assembly and disassembly for the reuse of standard parts and elements. The flying factory also receives, stores and cuts reusable materials. It also mass-customizes items for special orders and sorts them just in time for assembly. Produktif ensures that the pop-up is as close to the construction site as possible to save on transport.

Downstream innovation affects products or materials after first use. This can include developing new collections, sorting, and recycling technologies. The downstream stage for Produktif includes a construction site that has assemblers and dismantlers. The design systems see a market where using a crane is not always possible therefore systems are designed to weigh as little as possible, preferably>25kg so that two people can handle more. There are also digital tools like tracking systems to ensure that assembly/disassembly can only take place one way. Smart devices are used for geo- location, quality assurance and provide feedback for continuous improvement of the circular value chain.

Being circular is both a responsibility and an untapped business opportunity. Customer behavior is changing and there is a growing awareness of the impact of wasteful consumption. Natural resources are limited and that we must find smarter ways to use them. Produktif has found a way to realign the relationship that businesses have with the environment and society.